Gustavo Torner


Gustavo Torner. Graphic Art

Author: Arturo Sagastibelza
Format: 29 x 29 cm
Number of pages: 324
Clothbound with dust jacket
Edition in Spanish/English
ISBN- 978-84-09-04078-0

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Compiled by art historian Arturo Sagastibelza, the catalogue raisonné of the complete graphic art works of Gustavo Torner (Cuenca, 1925) contains two hundred and twenty-three prints made by the artist between 1955 and 2018, starting with his early figurative work and covering all his periods up to the present. The significance of this body of work, created with a vast array of techniques ranging from screen printing to lithography, engraving, embossing and monotype, to name a few, earned it the Premio Nacional de Arte Gráfico award in 2016, granted by Calcografía Nacional de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando.

The book was published by the Consorcio de la Ciudad de Cuenca and Fundación de Cultura Ciudad de Cuenca, in collaboration with Fundación Azcona.

This edition is unique because, parallel to the chronological development of the catalogue raisonné itself, the author has interspersed it with an extensive, detailed and illustrated study of the catalogued works, an unusual format for this type of publication that extends far beyond the typical catalogue raisonné to become a benchmark monograph on Torner, focusing on his work as a graphic artist. The book is prefaced by professor and scholar Francisco Calvo Serraller.

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