Luis Fernández


Luis Fernández. Pinturas

Author: Alfonso Palacio
Format: 29 x 29 cm
Number of pages: 552
Number of works listed: 590
Edition in Spanish/English
Bound in cloth with jacket
Price: 200 € + Shipping costs
ISBN- 978-613-9209-4

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The Catalogue Raisonné on Luis Fernández is an ambitious project promoted by the Museo de Bellas Artes de Asturias and Fundación Azcona, which offers a comprehensive view of seventy-three years of artistic creation.

It contains three sections, one devoted to drawings, paintings and prints, another to mural painting and sculpture, and a third that offers a selection of sketches that Luis Fernández often attached to the reflections that he made in his personal manuscripts.

The catalogue represents a tribute to a unique, tortured, detail-oriented and profound artist. An artist who painted, like no other, horror, in his grotesque figures, peace in his clean seascapes in the mist, the fleetingness of things in some candles and skulls that link him to Zurbarán and to death. Moreover, he was a sensitive, sweet, difficult and unrepeatable man.

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