Luis Caruncho


Luis Caruncho. Metamorfosis

Format: 29 x 29 cm
Number of pages: 60
Bound in cloth with jacket
Edition not for sale

The veteran artwork of Luis Caruncho is full of symbols about the passing of time, the best geometry of memories and feelings, and it is light while also having a solid, compact gravity to it.

When Luis Caruncho turned eighty, Fundación Azcona commissioned him to create a work of art that would become a sculpture, take on volume and enclose space. A piece that embodied the passing of the days. The result is the piece entitled Metamorfosis (Metamorphosis). This book, which is not for sale, shows the creative work of the piece, the artist in his studio, his hands, the life cycle of this sculpture, its own metamorphosis, the steel, its patina, the final touches…

With texts by Manuel Azcona, photographs by Paloma López de Letona and Belén Cano, and design and editorial management by Haz Comunicación, Caruncho Metamorfosis was a finalist in the prestigious Premios Visual de Diseño awards in the category of Art Book / Catalogue Design in 2009.

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